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Unschooling the Neurospicy
Recognizing and Supporting Neurodiversity in Schools: A Comprehensive Guide for Teachers

Jay Getten | Dec 15, 2024


Neurodiversity acknowledges the variations in human brain functioning, encompassing conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyspraxia, and dyslexia. It perceives these neurological differences as diverse expressions of human cognition rather than...

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Seidr Software: Transforming How Mental Health Services Are Provided

Jay Getten LCPC LMFT | Sep 14, 2024

Behavioral Health
Assesment Process

Navigating the intricate world of modern healthcare, mental health professionals are up against a new set of hurdles in providing swift and effective care. Introducing Seidr Software a revolutionary tool...

Clarifying Misconceptions: BHCS's Approach to Neurodevelopmental Assessments

Jay Getten LCPC LMFT | Sep 8, 2024

Assesment Process

At Behavioral Health Consulting Solutions (BHCS), we've become aware of some misconceptions circulating about our diagnostic practices for neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We'd like...

An Overview of Neurodivergence by Design: An Evolutionary and Quantum Perspective

Jay Getten | Aug 17, 2024


The forthcoming book, "Neurodivergence by Design," shifts away from the conventional emphasis on challenges experienced by people with ADHD, autism, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Instead, it underscores the evolutionary advantages...

Understanding Schizotypal Disorder: A Comprehensive Overview

Jay Getten | Jul 22, 2024

Schizotypal Disorder

Schizotypal Disorder (SD) is a complex and multifaceted mental health condition that affects approximately 4% of the population. It is characterized by pervasive social and interpersonal deficits, cognitive or perceptual...

Chronic Pain and Hypertonia Among Neurodivergent Populations

Jay Getten | Jun 23, 2024

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain and hypertonia (increased muscle tone) are common issues among neurodivergent populations, significantly impacting their quality of life. Neurodivergent individuals, such as those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)...

Understanding the Misdiagnosis of ADHD in Women as Mood Disorders

Jay Getten | Jun 23, 2024


Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by symptoms such as inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Mood disorders, on the other hand, include conditions like depression and bipolar disorder, characterized...

Understanding the MTHFR Gene Mutation and Its Link to Mental Health and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Jay Getten | May 13, 2024

MTHFR Gene Mutation
Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Examine the complex relationship between the MTHFR gene mutation and its resemblance to various mental health and neurodevelopmental conditions. Learn about the implications for treatment and management....

Understanding the Ripple Effects of Stroke on Dopamine Levels and Recovery

Jay Getten | May 9, 2024

Treatment and Recovery

Surviving a stroke is just the beginning of a long and complicated journey to recovery, in which many different aspects of the body and the brain are affected by the...

The Hidden Struggle: Unpacking ADHD and Autistic Burnout

Jay Getten | May 9, 2024


Burnout is commonly recognized as a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when one feels overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to...

Navigating Complex Currents: A Multi-Theoretical Approach to ADHD Case Conceptualization at BHCS

Chris Berman | Apr 30, 2024


The following case conceptualization will focus on a client seen at Behavioral Heath Consulting Solutions (BHCS). Throughout the conceptualization, the client will be referred to as Michael, a pseudonym to...

Unraveling the Connection: Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Neurodiversity

Jay Getten | Mar 30, 2024

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) represents a complex immunological condition where mast cells improperly release their contents, leading to a plethora of symptoms across multiple body systems. The term 'neurodiversity'...

Understanding the Complex Links Between ADHD, Alexithymia, and Eating Disorders: Insights and Implications for Treatment

Jay Getten | Mar 30, 2024

Eating Disorders

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), alexithymia, and eating disorders are three mental health conditions that have complex and overlapping associations. This article aims to examine the co-occurrence and common risk factors of...

Exploring Myths: Analyzing the Impact of Stimulant Medications on Addiction, Heart Disease, and Methamphetamine Withdrawal

Jay Getten | Mar 14, 2024


There is a lot of healthcare information out there, and not all of it is accurate or helpful. Myths and misconceptions about stimulant medications often circulate, creating unnecessary worry and...

Embracing Complexity: The Intersection of ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia, Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria, and Emotional Hyperarousal

Jay Getten | Mar 13, 2024

Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria
Emotional Hyperarousal

The human brain has many variations, and each one manifests in different ways, such as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), ASD (autism spectrum disorder), DCD (dyspraxia/developmental coordination disorder), RSD (rejection...

Navigating Housecleaning and Organization with Neurodiversity: Enhancing Environments at Home and Work

Jay Getten | Mar 6, 2024


Housecleaning and maintaining organization are universal tasks that present unique challenges for neurodivergent individuals. Neurodiversity encompasses a variety of neurological differences, including ADHD, autism, dyspraxia, and sensory processing disorder. These...

Navigating the Intersection: Chronic Health Issues in ADHD and Autism Populations

Jay Getten | Feb 29, 2024

Chronic Health

In the complex field of human health, neurodevelopmental conditions such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism are significant factors. These conditions, characterized by a range of symptoms and challenges, impact...

Comprehensive Guide: Leveraging AI Tools to Enhance Mental Health Practice

Jay Getten | Feb 29, 2024

Mental Health
Artifical Intelligence

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools into the practice of mental health clinicians can yield substantial benefits. These include enhancements in diagnostic precision, the personalization of treatment plans, and...

Rethinking Therapy: Tailoring Approaches for ADHD and Autism

Jay Getten | Feb 20, 2024

Congitive Behavioral Therapy

Mental health is not a simple matter, and different people need different solutions. This is especially the case for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder...

Neurodiversity vs. Personality Disorders: Navigating the Nuances for Better Understanding

Jay Getten | Feb 7, 2024

Personality Disorders

When it comes to mental health and cognitive abilities, it is essential to differentiate between neurodiversity and personality disorders for precise diagnosis, treatment, and assistance. This article explores the meanings,...

Navigating Success: The Hidden World of High-Functioning Adult ADHD

Jay Getten | Feb 2, 2024


In the sphere of adult achievement, where productivity and focus are often seen as the cornerstones of success, lies an often-misunderstood condition: high-functioning adult ADHD. Far from the stereotypical image...

Understanding Medication Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Jay Getten | Jan 20, 2024

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and restricted, repetitive behaviors. With the rising prevalence of ASD globally, understanding the nuances...

Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder: From Symptoms to Solutions

Jay Getten | Jan 13, 2024

Sensory Processing Disorder
Anxiety Disorders

Imagine living in a world where the gentlest touch feels like sandpaper against your skin, or where a whisper sounds like a shout. This is the daily reality for many...

Understanding Developmental Coordination Disorder: Insights and Interventions

Jay Getten | Jan 8, 2024

Developmental Coordination Disorder(DCD)
Non-verbal learning disorder

Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is more than just clumsiness. Affecting about 5-6% of children, DCD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that significantly impairs everyday motor tasks and impacts various aspects of...

Navigating the Emotional Storm: Understanding Emotional Hyperarousal in Adult ADHD

Jay Getten | Jan 1, 2024

Emotional Hyperarousal

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is commonly associated with symptoms like distractibility, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. However, a less discussed but equally significant aspect of ADHD, especially in adults, is emotional...

Strengths-based approach to autism language and communications research: Where are we? A brief report

Grace Joplin Ferreira(Main author, Corresponding author) Jay Getten (Co-author) Henri Pesonen (Co-author) | Dec 29, 2023

Strength-Based Approach
Autistic Language
Autisitc Communication

It is time for a change in the way scientific literature presents autism. But the diagnosis of autism is still very much dependent on language and social impairments, as such,...

Unveiling ADHD in Women: A Comprehensive Exploration

Jay Getten | Dec 28, 2023

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition often associated with children, particularly boys. However, this narrative overlooks a significant and vulnerable group: women. ADHD in women is frequently underdiagnosed, leading to...

Network of The Mind: Consciousness, Culture, and Evolution in Mental Health

Jay Getten | Dec 27, 2023

Mental Health
Borderline Personality-Disorder

Welcome back to our enlightening series where we unravel the intricate tapestry of the human mind. In this installment, we delve into the fascinating interplay between consciousness, culture, and evolution,...

Unveiling the Mysteries of the Mind: Quantum Breakthroughs and Neurodiversity

Jay Getten | Dec 27, 2023


This journey delves deep into the realms of consciousness, culture, and evolution, unraveling their profound implications in mental health. A recent breakthrough in computing and artificial intelligence, revealing a connection...

Understanding Bipolar Disorder: Diagnosis, Spectrum, Comorbidities, and Treatment

Jay Getten | Dec 27, 2023

Bipolar Disorder
Behavioral Health

Bipolar disorder, a complex mental health condition, often remains shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding. This blog post aims to demystify bipolar disorder, exploring its diagnosis, the bipolar spectrum, common comorbidities,...

Deciphering the Intricacies of Borderline Personality Disorder: Insights from Genetics to Sensory Processing

Jay Getten | Dec 16, 2023

Behavioral Health
Boderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a multifaceted mental health condition characterized by emotional dysregulation, unstable interpersonal relationships, and a fluctuating sense of self. Recent research has illuminated the complex interplay...

Exploring the Interplay of ADHD, MCAS, Mental Health, and Dopamine: A Multifaceted Perspective

Jay Getten | Dec 16, 2023

Mental Health
Neurodevelopmental Disorders

The intricate relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), mental health challenges, and the role of dopamine presents a multifaceted clinical picture. This article aims...

Sensory Overstimulation and Quantum Processes in the Brain: A New Frontier in Neuroscience

Jay Getten | Dec 16, 2023

Sensory Processing Disorder

In the intricate chemistry of the human mind, the dance between sensory input and neural processing is a marvel of nature. However, when this dance turns into a frenetic whirlwind,...

Unlocking the Brain-Body Connection: Dopamine's Pivotal Role in Neurodiversity and Autoimmune Mysteries

Jay Getten | Dec 16, 2023


In the changing landscape of medical research, recent studies have illuminated the intricate interplay between neurodiversity and autoimmune conditions, offering groundbreaking insights that could transform patient care. This article synthesizes...

Bridging the Gap: Addressing Neurodevelopmental Disorder Disparities in BIPOC Communities

Jay Getten | Dec 13, 2023

Behavioral Health

In the realm of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a critical conversation is emerging about the disparities in diagnosis and treatment...

The Evolutionary Strengths of Neurodiversity: Navigating Modern Society on College Campuses

Jay Getten | Nov 6, 2023

Behavioral Health
Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria
Sensory Processing Disorder

Neurodiversity is a testament to the complex and adaptive nature of the human brain. Conditions such as dyspraxia, dyslexia, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, RSD, SPD, dyscalculia, and alexithymia highlight the...

Exploring Human Evolution, Neurodiversity, and the Legacy of the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras

Jay Getten | Oct 24, 2023

Bipolar Disorder

In the annals of human history, there are pivotal moments that have reshaped the course of our existence. One such epochal transition, often regarded as the "Neolithic Revolution," marked the...

Navigating the Complexity of Autism: An In-Depth Look at AQ-10 and CAT-Q Assessments

Illy Dinette | Oct 22, 2023

Autism Screening
Psychometric Properties
Montana State University
Community Health Partners
Bozeman Montana

Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that manifests in various ways across individuals. Early detection and intervention are crucial for better outcomes. This article delves into two key screening tools...

Understanding Emotion Regulation: A Deep Dive into the DERS Screening Tool

Illy Dinette | Oct 22, 2023

Emotion Regulation
Mental Health
Mood Disorders
Personality Disorders
Substance Use Disorders
Psychometric Properties
Montana State University
Community Health Partners

Emotion regulation is a critical aspect of mental health that affects individuals across various diagnoses, including neurodiversity, mood disorders, and personality disorders. One of the most reliable tools for assessing...

From Divine Mania to Shamanic Journeys: Revisiting the Spiritual Roots of Neurodiversity

Jay Getten | Oct 20, 2023

Behavioral Health

In today's world, where mental health is often viewed through the lens of clinical psychology and neuroscience, it's easy to forget that our understanding of conditions like mania and schizophrenia...

Navigating Neurodiversity in Healthcare: Challenges, Strategies, and the Road Ahead

Jay Getten | Oct 20, 2023

Behavioral Health

In today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, providing optimal care for patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) presents unique challenges and opportunities. This article delves into the complexities of treating neurodiverse...

Bridging the Gap: The Role of Unrecognized ADHD and Autism in Depression Treatment Failures

Jay Getten | Oct 20, 2023


The mental health landscape is fraught with challenges, particularly in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and depression. Recent studies offer valuable insights into...

Understanding Interoceptive Awareness: A Deep Dive into the MAIA-2 Assessment Instrument at BHCS

Chris Berman | Oct 20, 2023

Behavioral Health

We're thrilled to feature Chris Berman, our talented intern at Behavioral Health Consulting Solutions (BHCS), as he reviews the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness, Version 2 (MAIA-2). This instrument is...

Unlocking the Power of Well-Being: A Comprehensive Look at the WHO-5 Assessment Instrument at BHCS

Erin McCleary | Oct 20, 2023

Behavioral Health

We're excited to spotlight Erin McCleary, an intern at Behavioral Health Consulting Solutions (BHCS), as she delves into the World Health Organization Well-being Index (WHO-5). This tool is an invaluable...

Unveiling the ASRS-5: A Game-Changer in Adult ADHD Diagnosis

Isabela Romero Navarro | Oct 20, 2023

ADHD assessment and treatment

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is not just a childhood condition. It often persists into adulthood, affecting quality of life and leading to other mental health issues like anxiety...

How BHCS's Innovative Approach Was Inspired by Behavioral Health Consultation: A Journey from BHC to Founder

BHCS | Oct 15, 2023

Behavioral Health Consultant
Mental healthcare delivery
Immediate interventions
Acute life stressors
Mental health and substance use disorders
Comprehensive care
BHCS innovative approach

In the ever-evolving landscape of mental healthcare, Behavioral Health Consulting Solutions (BHCS) stands as a beacon of innovation. Founded by Jay Getten, whose background as a Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC)...

Understanding BHCS's Unique Assessment Process: A Patient-Friendly Guide

Jay Getten | Oct 15, 2023

ADHD assessment and treatment
Autism assessment and treatment
Bipolar disorder assessment and treatment
Neurodiversity assessment and treatment

Navigating the world of mental health can be overwhelming, especially when you're not sure where to start. At Behavioral Health Consulting Solutions (BHCS), we've designed an assessment process that's not...

Unlocking the Mysteries of Alexithymia and Schizotypy: A Journey Through Evolutionary Psychology

Jay Getten | Oct 2, 2023

Evolutionary Psychology
Emotional Regulation
Social Cohesion
Sensory Perception
Spiritual Insights

In the ever-evolving field of psychology, two terms have captured the attention of researchers and clinicians alike: alexithymia and schizotypy. But what do these terms mean, and why should we...

Addressing Montana's Suicide Crisis: How BHCS is Making a Difference

Jay Getten | Sep 25, 2023

Behavioral Health

Montana has a grim statistic that we can't afford to ignore. For over 40 years, our state has ranked among the top five in the nation for suicide rates. As...

The Evolutionary Tapestry of Mental Health: A New Perspective on Neurodiversity

Jay Getten | Sep 21, 2023

Behavioral Health

As America grapples with a mental health epidemic, Behavioral Health Consulting Solutions (BHCS) offers a fresh perspective that intersects physical and mental health, neurodiversity, and evolutionary science. This blog post...

The Modern Archetypes of Neurodiversity: A Jungian Perspective on Mental Health

Jay Getten | Sep 19, 2023

Behavioral Health

The concept of archetypes, as introduced by Carl Jung, has long been a cornerstone in understanding the human psyche. These universal, recurring symbols or themes reside in the collective unconscious...

Transforming Mental Health Intake: How BHCS's Innovative Approach Sets a New Standard

Jay Getten | Sep 19, 2023

Behavioral Health

In the realm of mental health care, the initial assessment is a critical step that sets the tone for the entire treatment journey. While traditional methods have their merits, Behavioral...

Unlocking the Power of Neurodiversity: Redefining Mental Health Assessments for Improved Well-being

Jay Getten | Sep 19, 2023

Behavioral Health

Mental health assessments are often the first step in understanding an individual's unique psychological landscape. However, traditional approaches can sometimes fall short in capturing the full spectrum of human diversity....

Unlocking the Secrets of Brain Waves: A Quantum Perspective on Neurodiversity

Jay Getten | Sep 19, 2023

Behavioral Health

Explore the fascinating world of brain waves and how they differ among various neurotypes like ADHD, Autism, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia. Learn how quantum physics might help us understand these...

Alexithymia: One of the Most Impactful Health Condition's You've Never Heard Of

Jay Getten | Dec 5, 2022

Behavioral Health

“Alexithymia? I have never heard of it.” This is one of the most common responses our team members hear from patients, healthcare professionals, and mental health providers. To be honest...

New Model of Mental Health Care with Promising Early Results

Jay Getten | Oct 17, 2022

Health Information Technology

Montana has ranked among the top five states with the highest suicide rates for over 40 years and in 2018, Montana ranked third highest, based on per capita suicide death...

ADHD Impact on Parental Stress

Kenzie Carson | Aug 14, 2022


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is commonly researched regarding children; how and when it develops, signs and symptoms, how it is genetically passed on, how ADHD effects the child and...

Bipolar Disorder: Exploring the Evidence

Kelcy Jensen-Coon | Aug 14, 2022

Bipolar Disorder
Behavioral Health

This paper will review and break down six different research articles regarding bipolar disorder. The applicable information to the practice of a clinical counselor will be considered. Considering the level...

Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q)

Coby Tucker | Aug 14, 2022

Health Information Technology
Health Information Technology

The Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q) Is an assessment created to determine if a person is using strategies to mask their autistic characteristics. The 25 items were created by compiling...

Measuring Patient/Client Wellness: The WHO-5

Dawn Sowell | Aug 14, 2022

Behavioral Health
Health Information Technology

The World Health Organization Well-Being Index (WHO-5) is an assessment tool that utilizes a rating scale to measure subjective psychological well-being in the last two weeks (Topp et al., 2015)....

Phycological Outcome Profiles (PSYCHLOPS)

Kenzie Carson | Aug 14, 2022

Behavioral Health
Health Information Technology

Behavioral Health Consulting (BHC) is based in Bozeman, MT and was founded to address growing suicide rates in the state of Montana with the use of evidenced-based practices and diagnostic...

Seidr Clinical Decision Support System

Dawn Sowell | Aug 14, 2022

Behavioral Health

As a counseling intern at the Human Development Clinic, I am a participant in new assessment procedures recently adopted by the clinic. Seidr Software (BHTI, 2022) presents assessment tools to...

Approaching Autism: Clinical Skills and Resources for Working with People on the Spectrum

Emily Grills | May 1, 2022

Behavioral Health

General Autistic tendencies include an overall deficit social communication and interaction, and usually a lack of emotional intelligence. For example, people with Autism may struggle to notice or understand their...

A Cast for Collaborative Care

Jay Getten | Feb 7, 2022

Behavioral Health
Attachment Theory

Many healthcare organizations are struggling to juggle the ACA's mandates of improving patient outcomes, while reducing costs. With a significant segment of US patient populations suffering with acute physical and...

Behavioral Health Consulting Solutions

BHCS | Dec 14, 2021

Health Information Technology
Behavioral Health

The CDC reports that in June 2020 there were as many American adults who have seriously contemplated suicide as there are Americans with diabetes (Czeisler et al., 2020). While the...

Mental Illness or Evolutionary Adaptation

Jay Getten | Oct 21, 2021

Behavioral Health
Bipolar Disorder

There is a purple and maroon line that runs down the Rocky Mountain front on the CDC's map that tracks suicide mortality by state. The deep colors indicate the highest...

Leadership of a Multigenerational Healthcare Workforce

Jay Getten | Sep 19, 2021

Healthcare Workforce

Healthcare leaders often find themselves managing as many as 5 generations at once, each with distinctive preferences, experiences, and perspectives. Leaders must bring together health professionals who span a 50-year...

Effect of the ACA on Access to Behavioral Health Care for Rural Populations

Jay Getten | Sep 7, 2021

Behavioral Health
Healthcare Workforce

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 dramatically shifted the healthcare landscape. So much so its effects were felt from America's population centers to its most remote...

Using Public Health Data to Meet Community Needs

Jay Getten | Sep 7, 2021


Management researchers have observed that health systems have often been encouraged to adopt a product dominant logic for quality process improvement (QPI) initiatives. When health systems view QPI only through...

Searching for Equity in Healthcare

Jay Getten | Jun 27, 2021

Behavioral Health
Healthcare Workforce

Is the US healthcare system equitable? This question has repeatedly run through my head over the past several weeks. Based on my experience as a healthcare provider, I can say...

Coming out of the Dark: How an Accurate Diagnosis Helped Me Reclaim My Life

Shauna Graves | May 1, 2021


I feel a bit “off” for a few days: tired, irritable, stressed, withdrawn. I go about my daily activities, pushing through the discomfort of feeling out-of-sorts. Then a few nights...

Diagnosis Matters

Jay Getten | Jan 20, 2021

Behavioral Health

As a behavioral health consultant (BHC) embedded in a primary care clinic, one of the most frustrating things I can see in a patient's chart is the diagnoses of depression...

The Mental Health Mechanic

Shawn Patrick PharmD | Nov 6, 2020

Behavioral Health

All of us have had good and bad experiences when visiting the mechanic. If you are like me, and know little about engines to begin with, it is a very...

Bringing Back the Care in Health Care

Jay Getten | Oct 26, 2020

Behavioral Health
Attachment Theory

Sometimes I think my job should not exist. As a behavioral health provider embedded in a primary care clinic there are elements of my work that is a direct result...

Psychiatric Consultation: Solution to Current and Future Behavioral Health Challeges

Jay Getten | Oct 20, 2020

Behavioral Health

The US healthcare system is amid a global pandemic due to the COVID-19 virus. The next pandemic facing the US will be a mental health pandemic. As a country we...

COVID-19 and Exitential Dread

Jay Getten | Oct 15, 2020

Behavioral Health

We are living amid a global pandemic and have experienced unprecedented changes in our way of life. With the constant bombardment of troubling information on Covid-19, social unrest, and economic...

The US Behavrioal Health System's Tipping Point

Jay Getten | Oct 12, 2020

Behavioral Health

Over the last few years there has been a lot of hyperbole about the growing mental health crisis from policy makers. When a mass shooting happens, conservative lawmakers blame mental...

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