Peer-Reviewed Articles


A Study of Older Adults’ Mental Health across 33 Countries

Alexithymia in children with medically unexplained symptoms.pdf

Association between humidifier disinfectant exposure and ND conditions


COVID-19 Coping Older Adults

Chronic Mental Health Sequelae of Climate Change Extremes

Investigating the effect of climatic parameters on mental illness

Mental health consequences of COVID-19

Multi-Method Approach in the Assessment of Alexithymia in Patients With Scleroderma

No feelings for me, no feelings for you A meta-analysis on alexithymia

Stress as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Alexithymia.pdf

The Impact of Alexithymia on Treatment Response in Psychiatric Disorders.pdf

The electroretinogram b-wave amplitude

Understanding Neurobehavioural Dynamics


Alcohol Use and Mental Health among Older American Adults Covid19

An association between marijuana use and tinnitus

Cannabis-Induced Mania Following COVID-19 Self-Medication

Hepatic and Wernicke's encephalopathies

Medication-Assisted Treatment Models of Care for Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care Settings

Recreational ketamine-related deaths notified to the National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths

Sustaining alcohol and opioid use disorder treatment in primary care


A Pilot Study of the Impact of Stimulant Pharmacotherapy ADHD Alexithymia

A literature review and meta-analysis on the effects of ADHD medications on functional outcomes

ADHD Alexithymia Bariatric Surgery

ADHD Eating Disorders

ADHD Sleep Apnea

ADHD and Alcohol Use Disorder

ADHD and Suicidality

ADHD and borderline personality

ADHD in Adults Guide

ADHD in women - a review

Adult ADHD Emotion Regulation

Adult ADHD and comorbid disorders

Alexithymia and attention deficit and their relationship with disease

Alexithymia as a Predictor of Arousal and Affect ADHD Batterers

Association between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and the Autonomic Nervous System

Association between parental mental illness and autoimmune diseases

Association between polycystic ovary syndrome and risk of ADHD in offspring

Associations between attention‑defcit hyperactivity disorder and autoimmune

Associations between attention‑defcit hyperactivity disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Childhood Trauma

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder POS

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and gastrointestinal

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults

Attention_DeficitHyperactivit Type 2 Diabetes

Atypical alert state control in adult patients

Autism spectrum disorder and attention defcit hyperactivity

Awareness of ADHD in primary care

Barriers and facilitators to understanding of ADHD in primary care

Behavior Intervention Plans

Brain arousal regulation and depressive symptomatology in adults with ADHD

Cannabinoids in attention deficit hyperactivity

Case report Methylphenidate improved chronic pain in an adult patient with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Central sensitization and adult ADHD chronic pain

Change in Antidepressant Use After Initiation of ADHD Medication

Changes in medical use of central nervous system stimulants among US adults,

Chronic Pain And Health-Related Quality Of Life

Comedication and Polypharmacy With ADHD

Comorbidity and patterns of familial aggregation in attention-deficit

Comorbidity of chronic fatigue syndrome, postural tachycardia

Comorbidity of migraine with ADHD

Comparable emotional dynamics in women with ADHD and BPD

Content validation of common measures of functioning for young children against the International Classification of Functioning

Coping strategies among adults with ADHD

Current Evidence on the Role of the Gut Microbiome in ADHD

Diagnosing ADHD in Adults Validity of Tests

Diagnosis and treatment intractable idiopathic pain ADHD

Disease burden and direct medical costs of adult ADHD

Disrupted Association Between Empathy and Brain Structure ADHD

Effectiveness of Psychotherapy in Adult ADHD

Effectiveness of a Tailored Intervention for Women with ADHD

Elements That Influence the Development of ADHD

Emotion dysregulation and integration of emotion-related brain networks ADHD

Examining Motivational Pathways From Adult ADHD and Marijuana

Females with ADHD Life Span

Gender differences in adult ADHD

Guidance for identification and treatment for ASD and ADHD

High IQ May “Mask” the Diagnosis of ADHD

Hyperfocus the forgotten frontier of attention

Impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Increased interhemispheric somatomotor functional connectivity and ADHD

Investigating Emotion Dysregulation and the Perseveration ADHD

Iron deficiency and common review neurodiversity

Is autonomic nervous system function atypical in attention deficit

Large‑scale genetic investigation ADHD complex health conditions

Late-manifestation of attention-defcit

Lifetime co-occurring psychiatric disorders ADHD and ASD

Machine-learning-based diagnosis of drug-naive adult patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder using mismatch negativity

Maternal Thyroid Anomalies and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Offspring

Maternal iron status during pregnancy and ADHD

Medications for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in individuals with or without coexisting autism spectrum disorder

More than off-task Increased freely-moving thought in ADHD

Parent ADHD Is Associated With Postpartum

Parental ADHD in pregnancy and the postpartum period

Persistence and Subtype Stability of ADHD Among Substance Use Disorder Treatment Seekers

Pharmacotherapy of ADHD in Adults

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder ADHD AUD

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Comorbid ADHD AUD

Prevalence of ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders or Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Prevalence of autism traits and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in a clinical sample of children and adolescents with chronic pain

Prevalence of co-existing autoimmune and ADHD

Prevalence of criminal convictions ADHD

Prevalence of hormone-related mood disorder symptoms in women

Pseudo-seizure, an Atypical Presentation of ADHD

Sex differences in attention deficit hyperactivity symptom severity and functional connectivity

Sex differences in stress reactivity in arousal and attention

Similarity of subjective symptoms between autism spectrum and ADHD

Sleep EEG slow-wave activity in ADHD

Sleep disorders in patients with ADHD

Suicidal ideation in adult ADHD

The Association between ADHD and Covid infection

The Characteristics of Mood Polarity

The Comorbidity of Fibromyalgia Syndrome and ADHD

The Effect of Foot Massage by Mother on the Severity of Attention‑Deficit

The Investigation of Symptoms and Diagnoses of Adult-Attention Deficit Iron Defincence

The Relatonship Between Alexithymia and Impulsiveness in Adult

The association between thyroid

The associations between ADHD, pain, inflammation ADHD

The contribution of ADHD and attachment difficulties to online

The impact of psychological theory on ADHD

The nature and nurture of ADHD and its comorbidities

Treatment of ADHD in patients with bipolar disorder

When attention is intact in adults with ADHD

hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents


A meta-analytic study examining the relationship between alexithymia and dissassociation

Alexithymia Is Associated with Tinnitus Severity

Alexithymia Its signs, symptoms, causes and diagnosis

Alexithymia and Alcohol Dependence The Roles of Negative Mood and Alcohol Craving

Alexithymia and emotional processing

Alexithymia as a potential source of symptom over-reporting

Alexithymia in children with medically unexplained symptoms

Alexithymia predicts poorer social and everyday functioning in BD and Schizophrenia

Alexithymia, Fear of Intimacy

Alexithymia_ aggressive beh in adolescents

Alexithymic and autistic traits in children and adolescents

Associations between alexithymia, parental rearing styles, and frequency of drug use in male methamphetamine dependence patients

BPD and BD with alexithymia

Brain structural correlates of alexithymia in patients

Demystifying alexithymia

Different dissociation and alexithymia domains specifically relate to PNES

Early Trauma and Alexithymia

Effectiveness of Positive Psychotherapy on Depression and Alexithymia

Exploring the links between alexithymia, empathy and schizotypy

High levels of alexithymia in patients with MS

Is Antidepressant Use Associated With Difficulty Identifying Feelings

Online Behavioral Activation Therapy on Depression and Alexithymia

Poor respiratory health outcomes associated with high illness worry and alexithymia

Relationship of Alexithymia Ratings to Dopamine


Stress as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Alexithymia

The Impact of Alexithymia on Treatment Response in Psychiatric Disorders

The Impact of Past Trauma on Psychological Distress The Roles of Defense Mechanisms and Alexithymia

The great disrupter Relationship of alexithymia to emotion

The relationship between non-suicidal self-injury and alexithymia in BPD

Where does it hurt Location of pain, psychological distress, and alexithymia

Women and Violence Alexithymia, Relational Competence and Satisfaction


Electrochemical energy, primordial feelings and feelings of knowing (FOK)

Predictive modeling of depression

Silexan A Novel Anxiolytic

Autism Spectrum Disorder

A Qualitative Study Exploring Gender Dysphoria ASD

A Quantitative Sensory Testing Approach to Pain in Autism Spectrum

A Systematic Literature Review on the Application of ML ASD

A Systematic Literature Review on the Relationship Between Autism

A Wholistic View of How Bumetanide Attenuates Autism

A momentary assessment study on emotional and biological stress in adult males and females with autism spectrum disorder

A qualitative study ASD and menopause

ASD ADHD Chronic Pain

ASD and ADHD Comorbidity

ASD and Bipolar Disorder


ASD and psychiatric disorders

Absence of sex differences in adult ASD

Accuracy of administrative database algorithms for autism, FASD, and ADHD

Acupuncture and oxytocinergic system The promising treatment for autism

Adult Manifestation of Milder Forms of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Alexithymia may explain the relationship ASD and Eating Disorder

Alexithymia traits outweigh ASD

Alexithymic and autistic traits in children

Antipsychotics in the treatment of autism

Aripiprazole Treating ASD

Aripiprazole for autism spectrum disorders

Aripiprazole in the real-world treatment for ASD in children

Aripiprazole in the treatment of challenging behaviour adult ASD

Associations between social camouflaging

Attenuated contact heat evoked

Autism NIH Resource Guide

Autism Preventitive Services Qualification

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum

Autism Spectrum Disorders and Sexuality

Autism Spectrum Primary Care

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and ADHD Genetic Variants

Autism spectrum disorder in adults, diagnosis and management


Autistic Symptoms in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders

Autistic Traits and Abnormal Sensory Experiences in Adults

Autistic Traits and Empathy in Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Co-occurring

Autistic Traits and Prosocial Behaviour in the General Population

Autistic Traits in Treatment-Seeking Transgender Adults

Autonomic Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autonomic Dysfuntion and ASD

Behavior Intervention Plans

Bridging the gap between autism spectrum disorder and pain comorbidities

Brief Report Intranasal Ketamine in Adolescents and Young Adults

Characteristics of toddlers with ASD

Chronic Pain And Health-Related Quality Of Life

Clarifying the relationship between alexithymia and interoception

Common Venues in Romantic Relationships of Adults With Symptoms of Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Consensus statements on optimal adult ASD post diagnosis support

Core Signs and Symptoms in Children with Autism Spectrum Risperdone and Abilify

Current Enlightenment About ASD

Data-Driven Decision Support for Adult Autism Diagnosis

Decades of Progress in the Psychopharmacology of Autism Spectrum

Delayed autism spectrum disorder diagnosis

Detection of Early Warning Signs in Autism Spectrum

Development and Validation of the Camouflaging Autistic Traits


Do Autism Spectrum and Autoimmune Disorders Share Predopistion

Documenting Disabilities-Sample Letters

Early non‑social behavioural indicators of autism spectrum disorder

Empathizing and Systemizing

Enhanced rationality in autism

Experience of mental health diagnosis

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy as a Feasible and Potential Effective Treatment for Adults with Autism

Feasibility of cognitive remediation therapy for ASD

Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans in Rural Schools

Genetic Overlap Between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder in SHANK2 Gene

Genomic Variation, Evolvability, and the Paradox of Mental Illness

Guidance for identification and treatment for ASD and ADHD

Impact of antipsychotics in children with ASD

Interoception the foundation for mind’s sensing of ‘self,’ physiological

Interoceptive ability and body awareness in ASD

Interoceptive awareness in attention deficit

Interoceptive awareness mitigates deficits in emotional prosody recognition

Investigating Sex Bias in the AQ-10

Is social camoufaging associated

I’ve Spent My Whole Life Striving to Be Normal

Ketamine Self-Medication in a Patient with Autism Spectrum

Lifetime and Momentary Psychotic Experiences in Adult Males and Females With an Autism Spectrum Disorder

Lifetime co-occurring psychiatric disorders ADHD and ASD

Lifetime co-occurring psychiatric disorders ASD and ADHD

Lifetime co-occurring psychiatric disorders

Machine Learning Methods for Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Mast Cells, Stress, Fear and Autism

Medications for attention deficit and ASD


Missed diagnoses and misdiagnoses of adults with autism spectrum


Natl Autism Indicators Report 2017_Final

Neural modulation of social reinforcement learning with high functioning males with ASD

Neurodiversity and Artistic Performance Characteristic of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Non-Affective Psychoses in Individuals with ASD


People like me don’t get support

Pharmacogenomics of autism spectrum

Pharmacological Treatment for adults with ASD

Pharmacological treatments ASD primary care

Pharmacological treatments ASD

Predicting diagnostic outcome in adult ASD with ADOS-2

Prevalence and predictors of psychotropic medication use in adolescents and adults


Propranolol for ASD

Psychiatric comorbidity in persons with high-functioning autism spectrum

Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES) as a Network

Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures as a manifestation undiagnosed ASD

Psychometric properties of the Autism Spectrum Disorder in ASDASQ

Psychotherapists lack education and expertise adults with ASD

Psychotic experiences adults with ASD

Quantifying and exploring camouflaging in men and women with autism

Recent Updates in Psychopharmacology for the Core and Associated ASD

Relationship between interoceptive sensibility autism and alexithymia

Relationship between interoceptive sensibility

Research into the Association of Cadmium and Manganese Thyriod ASD

Risk of non-affective psychotic disorder or bipolar and ASD

Sex and Gender Diferences in Camoufaging in Children and Adolescents

Sexual Knowledge, Desires, and Experience of Adolescents and Young Adults With an Autism Spectrum Disorder

Shared and Distinct Topologically Structural Connectivity Patterns in ASD and ADHD

Social Support, Depression and Suicidal Ideation in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Steps for Implementation, Functional Behavior Assessment

Strategic Deception in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Structural neuroimaging correlates of social deficits are similar in autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Subclinical schizotypal vs. autistic traits show overlapping

Suicidality in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Suicidality in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.pdf

Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome in a Patient with Autism

The Association Between Somatic Health, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Autistic Traits

The Truth About Autism in Adults Resource Guide

The Truth About Autism in Adults

The Unique Evolutionary Signat

The co-occurrence of autistic spectrum disorder and schizophrenia

The overlap between autistic spectrum

Theory Models

Therapists’ Adaptations to an Intervention to Reduce Challenging Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Publicly Funded Mental Health Services

Treatment of first psychotic episode ASD

Understanding visual consciousness in autism spectrum disorders

What’s missing in autism spectrum disorder

Women and Autism Spectrum Disorder - Copy

Women and Autism Spectrum Disorder


physicians’ perspectives on the rise in ASD

μ opioid receptor, social behaviour and autism

‘You don’t look autistic’ A qualitative exploration of women’s experiences of being the ‘autistic other’

“Life is Much More Difficult to Manage During Periods” Autistic Experiences of Menstruation

Chronic Illness

ADHD Sleep Apnea

Acute psychosis and concurrent rhabdomyolysis unveiling diagnosis of hypothyroidism

Blood culture-negative endocarditis presenting as altered mental status

Can psychiatric childhood disorders be due to inborn errors of metabolism

Effects of Meteorological Factors on Hospitalizations in Adult Asthma

Graves disease and mental disorders

Graves panic disorder

Graves’ disease presenting with hypomania and paranoia to the acute psychiatry service

Influence of the Scandinavian climate asthma

Interoception the foundation for mind’s sensing of ‘self,’ physiological


Relationships between sleep paralysis and sleep quality

Sleep Paralysis, The Ghostly Bedroom Intruder and Out-of-Body Experiences The Role of Mirror Neurons

Sustained Hippocampal Synaptic Pathophysiology Following Single and Repeated Closed-Head Concussive Impacts

The Delayed Diagnosis of Thyroid Storm in Patients

The Prevalence of Mitral Valve Prolapse

The neuropharmacology of sleep paralysis hallucinations serotonin 2A

Chronic Pain

A Quantitative Sensory Testing Approach to Pain in Autism Spectrum

ASD ADHD Chronic Pain

Bridging the gap between autism spectrum disorder and pain comorbidities

Chronic Pain And Health-Related Quality Of Life

Developing Clinical Quality

Pain Management

The Comorbidity of Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder from a Pathogenic Perspective


A phenomenological exploration of schizophrenia and consciousness

A unifying theory of physics and biological information through consciousness

An Evolutionary Life History Framework for Psychopathology

An evolutionary life history approach to MH

Bipolar disorder An evolutionary psychoneuroimmunological approach

Bipolar disorder An evolutionary

Can psychiatric childhood disorders be due to inborn errors of metabolism

Consciousness, Cognition and the Neuronal Cytoskeleton A New Paradigm Needed in Neuroscience

Consciousness, The Unconscious and Mathematical Modeling

Depression as a Disorder of Consciousness

Disruption of Conscious Access in Psychosis Is Associated with Altered Structural Brain Connectivity

Electrochemical energy, primordial feelings and feelings of knowing (FOK)

Evolutionary approaches to ASD

From neurodiversity to neurodivergence

Genomic analysis of the natural history ADHD

Hallucinations A Functional Network Model of How Sensory Representations Become Selected for Conscious Awareness in Schizophrenia

How evolutionary thinking can help us to understand ADHD

How the Brain Becomes the Mind

Human Synchronization Maps

Hyperfocus the forgotten frontier of attention

Insight’s level in borderline personality disorder, questioning consciousness

Memory for the Future Psychodynamic Approach to Time and Self Through the Default Network

Mental illness and the consciousness thesis

More than off-task Increased freely-moving thought in ADHD

Neurocognitive Functions in Bipolar Disorder in Relation to Comorbid ADHD

Neurodiversity and the Social Ecology


Phenomenologizing Psychophysics

Positive Traits in the Bipolar Spectrum

Psychosis as an Evolutionary Adaptive Mechanism to Changing Environments


Quantum Physics Perspective

Quantum Physics and the Future of Psychology

Quantum Physics and the Science of Psychotherapy

Quantum and Electromagnetic Fields in Our Universe and our brain

Role of the Neurons

Schizophrenia and Con

Shamanism and the psychosis continuum

The Dopaminergic Control

The Role of Psychotic Disorders in History

The Self-Simulation Hypothesis Interpretation

The Unique Evolutionary Signature of Genes Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder

The evolution and development of consciousness

The evolutionary neuroanthropology of consciousness

Trade-offs between human brain evolution, autism, and schizophrenia

Trips and neurotransmitters

Understanding visual consciousness in autism spectrum disorders

Using Evolutionary Theory to Guide Mental Health Research

Wave‑like patterns in parameter

rialogue, commentaries on “Are mental illnesses disorders of consciousness”


A Study of Older Adults’ Mental Health across 33 Countries

COVID-19 Coping Older Adults

Chronic Mental Health Sequelae of Climate Change Extremes

Mental health consequences of COVID-19

Eating Disorders

Clinicians’ views on treatment for men with eating disorders

Eating disorders in PMDD


Correlational research on facial and clinical OCD Adolescents

Diagnosis and management of functional neurological disorder

Genetic Influences on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Iron deficiency and common neurodevelopmental

Stress response in dissociation and conversion disorders

The factitious malingering continuum and its burden on public health

Mood Disorders

A Complex Relationship Between Suicide, Dementia, and Amyloid A Narrative Review

Antidepressant treatment, not depression

Antidepressants and REM Sleep Behavior Disorder


Borderline Personality and Bipolar Electrophysiologically

COCM for Depression and PTSD

Can machine learning be useful as a screening tool for depression

Circadian rest-activity patterns in bipolar and BPD

Comorbidity and patterns of familial aggregation in attention-deficit

Cortical haemodynamic response BD and BPD

Cyclothymia ADHD and mood regulation

Depression Preceding Bipolar

Depression as a Disorder of Consciousness

Differential Diagnosis of Bipolar II Disorder and BPD

Differential effects of earthquakes on BD and SCHZ

Differentiating borderline personality from bipolar disorder with theMood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ)

Effects of Antidepressants on Sleep

Electrophysiological correlates of visual backward masking in patients with BD

Emotional Blunting in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder

Evaluating the Clinical Feasibility of an Artificial

Factors Associated with Doses of Mood Stabilizers in Real-world

Factors influencing GP prescribing of antidepressants and prescribed doses

Hypomania associated with high dose ketamine treatment

Incidence of major depression diagnoses in the Canadian Armed Force

Incidence of major depression diagnoses in the Canadian Armed

Inflammation, anxiety, and stress in bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder

Investigating Machine Learning _ Natural Language

Ketamine-induced urological toxicity potential mechanisms adults with mood disorders


Neurocognitive Functions in Bipolar Disorder in Relation to Comorbid ADHD

Positive Traits in the Bipolar Spectrum

Pre-diagnostic and post-diagnostic psychopharmacological pts with bipolar disorder

Precision medicine in mood disorders

Predictive modeling of depression

REM Behavior Disorder Second to Antidepressants


Strategies to reduce use of antidepressants

The effects of childhood emotional maltreatment and alexithymia on depressive

The effects of psychotherapies for depression on response, remission, reliable change, and deterioration

Personality Disorders

ADHD and borderline personality

Addicted to Love

BPD Primary Care

Bipolar Disorder and Comorbid Borderline

Borderline Personality and Bipolar Electrophysiologically

Circadian rest-activity patterns in bipolar and BPD

Comorbid personality disorders and their impact on severe dissociative

Cortical haemodynamic response BD and BPD

Current Clinical Psychopharmacology in Borderline Personality Disorder

Detecting Clinical and Simulated Dissociative Identity Disorder

Differentiating borderline personality from bipolar disorder with theMood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ)


Inflammation, anxiety, and stress in bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder

Insight’s level in borderline personality disorder, questioning consciousness

Love Addiction

Love Addiction And Love Avoidance

Mood stabilzers for treating BPD

Ovarian Hormones as a Source of Fluctuating Biological BPD

Personality Disorder Training Information


Self-report screening instruments differentiate bipolar disorder

The overlap between autistic spectrum

The relationship between serotonergic psychedelic experiences and maladaptive narcissism



Affective temperaments PMDD

Differential Diagnosis of Bipolar II Disorder and BPD

Eating disorders in PMDD

PMDD and Bipolar

PMDD and Bulimia

PMDD screening

Premenstrual Syndrome and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Prevalence of hormone-related mood disorder symptoms in women

Psychotic Disorders

A phenomenological exploration of schizophrenia and consciousness

Assessment and Treatment Planning for Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Childhood trauma and glucose metabolism in patients with first-episode

Clinical determinants, patterns and outcomes of antipsychotic medication schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder


Disruption of Conscious Access in Psychosis Is Associated with Altered Structural Brain Connectivity

Hallucinations A Functional Network Model of How Sensory Representations Become Selected for Conscious Awareness in Schizophrenia

Medication management of antipsychotic treatment in schizophrenia

Psychosis as an Evolutionary Adaptive Mechanism to Changing Environments

Psychotically driven aggression is associated with greater mentalizing challenges in psychotic spectrum disorders

Schizophrenia and Con

Secondary psychosis induced by metabolic disorders

The effect of non-adherence to antipsychotic treatment on rehospitalization in patients with psychotic disorders

Sensory Processing

A Path From Childhood Sensory Processing Disorder to Anxiety Disorders

Atypical Sensory Processing Is Associated With Lower Body Mass Index and Increased Eating Disturbance in Individuals With Anorexia Nervosa

Capacity-limited resources are used for managing SPD and memory

Counseling Adults With SPD

Interoceptive pathways to understand and treat MH conditions

Paranormal experiences, sensory-processing

Sensory processing disorder Perceptions on the role of psych NPs

Sensory profiles in adults with and without ADHD

The Lived Sensory Experiences of Adults with MH

The Role of Sensory Function in Processing Speed and Aging

What is the Link Between SPS and aphantasia


A Client’s Guide to Schema Therapy

COCM Smartphone App

COCM for Depression and PTSD

Childhood trauma and glucose metabolism in patients with first-episode

Childrens model clinical monograph

Chronic Mental Health Sequelae of Climate Change Extremes

Classroom Attachment

Client Presentations of Developmental

Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD and Bipolar Disorder

Dissociation, Stressors, and Coping in Psychogenic

Resting-state networks and dissociation in psychogenic

Retrospectively assessed trajectories of PTSD symptoms and their

Sleep Paralysis among Professional Firefighters and a Possible Association with PTSD

The Effects of Inattentiveness and PTSD

The effects of symptom overreporting on PTSD treatment outcome

Trauma and Psychotic Experiences

Updated Review on the Diagnosis and Primary Management of Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizure Disorders

Variable Response of Norepinephrine Transporter to Traumatic Stress and Relationship to Hyperarousal

What is TFCBT

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